For more than ten months (2014-2015), Vancouver Police Department personnel disregarded official reports filed by complainants Bini and Eccles detailing the harassment, retaliation and witness intimidation initiated by VPD Detective Sandra Aldridge (link to official VPD complaints). Each complaint was determined by VPD to be an “inquiry” or “unfounded” without contact or notice given to complainants Bini or Eccles.
In late March 2015, an investigation was opened with Vancouver Police Department’s Professional Standards Unit (internal affairs) regarding new grievances filed by Eccles and Bini of continuing and escalating harassment by Detective Aldridge and her supervisor, Sgt. Andy Hamlin.  The investigation is now going into its 8th month; there is no resolution in sight, minimal contact/updates have been provided to complainants, and the targeting of Bini & Eccles has continued.
Detective Sandra Aldridge and Sgt. Andy Hamlin are still on full active duty with the department and have continued—unchecked by their supervisors–to engage in a campaign of harassment/retaliation of complainants Bini & Eccles through slander and defamation. Following is a series of email correspondence between complainant Eccles and Lt. Scott Creager of the Professional Standard Unit (overseeing the “investigation”). Included after Lt. Creager’s October 28th response email is brief commentary (in lieu of an email response to Lt. Creager) intended to summarize my (Eccles’) position, and to clarify why I have chosen, in order to protect myself from potential malicious intent, NOT to continue this correspondence with Lt. Creager.

#1 Email sent from Eccles to Sgt. Hatley (investigator of complaints) cc: Lt. Creager and Chief McElvain on September 28th, 2015

OFFICIAL COMPLAINT: Detective Sandra Aldridge 

#2 Email sent from Eccles to same recipients on October 7th, 2015 when I had received no response after 10 days.

Official Complaint Follow up     

#3 Email response from Creager to Eccles sent on October 8th, 2015.

Response to Follow up

#4 Email sent in response from Eccles to Creager on October 12 to acknowledge receipt of email and include partial response.

“Request to add to PSU record of Investigation”

#5 Email sent from Eccles to Creager on October 20 (following Guy Bini’s email exposing newly discovered and highly incriminating evidence of Detective Aldridge’s violations of law and civil rights in the prosecution of John Garrett Smith). Email titled,

“Request for Action”

#6 Email sent from Eccles to Creager on October 20th the included part of the information that had been requested in Lt. Creager’s October 8th email in which he claimed that without specific evidence proving Ms. Aldridge’s misconduct, there was insufficient evidence to investigate. Email titled,

“Supporting Documentation”

Attachment to email “Supporting Documentation”
#7 Email titled, “Response Requested” sent from Eccles to Creager on Oct. 26th after a week with no response when one had been specifically requested in October 20th “Request for Action”
#8 Email “Response Requested” response from Creager to Eccles sent October 28th (full text displayed below)

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